Data Types ----------- pgcopy supports a wide range of PostgreSQL scalar data types. Database ``null`` must be represented in python as ``None``. Scalars """"""" ========================== ================= ========================= PostgreSQL type Python type Notes ========================== ================= ========================= bool bool smallint int integer int bigint int real float double precision float char str, bytes Encoding_, Truncation_ varchar str, bytes Encoding_, Truncation_ text str, bytes Encoding_, Truncation_ bytea bytes Truncation_ date time datetime.time timestamp datetime.datetime timestamp with time zone datetime.datetime numeric decimal.Decimal Numeric_ json str, bytes Encoding_ jsonb bytes uuid uuid.UUID ========================== ================= ========================= Arrays """"""" As of v1.4.0, all of the supported scalar types may be used in array types as well. Encoding """"""""""" As of v1.4, encoding of unicode strings is handled automatically for ``char``, ``varchar``, ``text``, and ``json`` PostgreSQL types. Python ``bytes`` may also be used, provided the encoding matches that of the db connection. No encoding is performed for data to be inserted into ``bytea`` or ``jsonb`` types. Truncation """"""""""" Where database columns have a fixed length, string data will be silently truncated to fit. Numeric """""""" PostgreSQL numeric does not support ``Decimal('Inf')`` or ``Decimal('-Inf')``. pgcopy serializes these as ``NaN``.